Four Corners "Are you being played?": thoughts and reflections
Seamus is joined by Steven Farrelly and Jeremy Ray to discuss the ABC's investigation on manipulative practices in the videogames industry.

The future of the Australian games industry in 2021
We talk to Ron Curry, CEO of IGEA, about the Australian video game development survey for 2020, covering the good, the bad and the politics.

2020 Australian Game Developer Awards see League of Geeks, SMG Studio the big winners
We round up all the winners from this year's AGDA ceremony, held online in a fun format hosted by Jordan Raskopoulos.

The Australian Game Developer Awards nominees are all right here
We've rounded up the full list of AGDA nominations for 2020. Necrobarista, Boomerang Fu, and Under a Star Called Dun lead the charge in 2020.

State of the industry 2020: Ron Curry, CEO, iGEA
Run Curry, CEO of Australia's Interactive Games and Entertainment Association, stops by to discuss the highs and lows of 2020 so far, from the pandemic to politics and plenty more.