Boardgames in the age of coronavirus
We're being encouraged to self isolate if we can, which is great news for many geeks. But if you can't gather around a table for a boardgames because that's a

We're being encouraged to self isolate if we can, which is great news for many geeks. But if you can't gather around a table for a boardgames because that's a bit too close – what are you going to do?
Yes, you could play a video game, but sometimes we want the tactile boardgames experience. So this week we're exploring the many aspects of playing boardgames when you're home alone. Solo games (and playing co-op solo). Games via remote access. Digital boardgames online. RPGs online. Right down to deck construction as a game!
There's enough here to keep you mining new games, and games you already own, for the long months ahead.
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