Whose Race Is It Anyway?
With a fresh Race To World First kicking off, we look at the controversy around Method and Red Bull falling out, wanting to see more guilds being involved, and what we hope the right way to run this all might be.

Dave Jansen stops by The Scrapyard to dive deep on 8.2 and the state of the raiding scene just as Mythic Eternal Palace gets set to drop.
With a fresh Race To World First kicking off, we look at the controversy around Method and Red Bull falling out, wanting to see more guilds being involved, and what we hope the right way to run this all might be.
Plus we enter a big old rabbit hole around the lore of the expansion and where we think, and where we hope, things will take us as we head toward the next expansion.
Find more of Dave's stuff at his Twitch channel: twitch.tv/lactv
Find Seamus on Twitter: @seamus
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