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Stifling aggregation

Market domination puts the rest of us in cultural hot water while the big players buy and sell the hot tub.

Seamus Byrne
Seamus Byrne
6 min read
Stifling aggregation

A fascinating week on many fronts. Big moves happening in podcasting, which I watch with both professional and personal interest. Joe Rogan signs an exclusive deal with Spotify which pulls back the curtain on Spotify’s intentions to win a major slice of the podcasting market. But if it wins, what does that mean for open podcasting?

I don’t think it should ever be treated as naive that I lament the slow decline of open standards and an open web. OK, open standards are strong. But the effort to undermine them in the name of control is the big problem.

Google and Facebook are not really in hot water when it comes to debates over their dominance. The rest of us are in the water, they’re the ones who own the swimming pool.

What we need to do is learn lessons and be ahead of the curve when people make moves to dominate slices of the media market.

As a big advocate for the theory space around media ecology, we have to better grasp that the media is now fundamental to civilised life. That means how the medium is managed changes society itself. If you can’t see how Google and Facebook have reshaped how our public discourse works today, you’re not really paying attention.

Podcasts based on the open system of RSS can be played on any open podcasting app. Spotify exclusive shows will not be podcasts. But if the word ‘podcast’ becomes synonymous with listening to talk content on Spotify, then the open system dies.

Now there’s also word that Apple is moving to acquire and/or produce exclusive podcasts. Apple has been a tremendous custodian of the open directory of all podcasts, which is what most every podcasting app uses as a canonical reference for show information. The idea that this custodianship could shift toward a more closed arrangement? It’s business. But it’s bloody sad.

I really enjoy making audio content, I hope that side of what I do keeps growing at the fantastic speed it currently is, and I hope I can monetise it sustainably. Same goes for my attitude to this newsletter!

If someone walked up to me and said “here’s a few million, please do all your stuff exclusively for us” I’m not an idiot. I’d say yes. But I hope in the long run that the balance is maintained when it comes to how we access this stuff.

I even feel naive writing the words. But I’ll stick with hope-filled pessimism for now. We can do better. We can build better. And hopefully we can rein in the juggernauts and ward off future monopolists in the media landscape.

Media diversity and the ability for new voices to not have to ask permission to shine is utterly important.

That’s it. That’s why I care. It’s not my personal journey. It’s the future of access to distribution through open online media.

Facebook was created under that wonderful age of the web where no one had to ask permission to build something that could connect the world. But now? There’s a lot more gatekeepers, and Facebook or Google or Spotify… or maybe even Apple… might just swallow anything that shows any sign of growing to a degree that opens a new market outside their control.

Aggregation is great for us users until it reaches a scale where it controls the lion share of information. Then there’s a sense of stifling and a concern we’re not able to see everything we’d like to see. If there’s no more competition we’re not even sure where to find the things we wish we could still find outside the aggregator.

Subvert the mega-aggregators where you can. I use DuckDuckGo as my main search engine these days. It’s remarkably good for a privacy-first search tool that has built its own index of the web. Funnily enough, it aggregates its index from hundreds of other sources as well as its own crawler. But its mission is more of a social enterprise than a “take over the world” one, so that’s good.

If nothing else, look for the cracks. Think about what’s missing alongside what’s there. Hopefully if more of us do that we’ll spend a little more time using tools and services that are trying to carve out their own sustainable angles and won’t decide to just sell to the big guys.

Y'know, unlike me. Want to buy Byteside before it’s too big? Call me.

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Just wow

Cyril Diagne


4/10 - Cut & paste your surroundings to Photoshop


Book: @HOLOmagazine
Garment: SS17 by @thekarentopacio
Type: Sainte Colombe by @MinetYoann @ProductionType
Technical Insights: ↓

#ML #AR #AI #AIUX #Adobe #Photoshop

10:02 PM - 3 May 2020


Seamus Byrne Twitter

Founder and Head of Content at Byteside.

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