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Such a tool

Seamus Byrne
Seamus Byrne
4 min read
Such a tool

It’s been 8 years since Douglas Rushkoff wrote Program Or Be Programmed, one of the clearest discussions of the whole question of the good/bad of technology in society today. Or rather, why that’s the wrong binary to consider.

Rushkoff instead explores ten ‘commands’ we need to understand to help us focus on taking control of the way we use the network technologies in our lives.

“The real question is, do we direct technology, or do we let ourselves be directed by it and those who have mastered it?”

One part of the discussion is the idea that we must be careful not to have future generations growing up with a sense that the media they’re using online – Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, whatever – is the ‘natural order’ of things. That these are all shaped and created to specific ends, and that we all have the power to create our own tools and to control how we use the online space.

The magic of digital, after all, is that we don’t need permission to use the network our own way. We can learn to code our own path.

Ensuring we, and our families, grasp that technology is a set of tools is critical. A wonderful, delicious, amazing set of tools, but they are not The Immutable Way Things Are. Remember there’s code under there, and the code is written by humans (or AI directed by humans) in a very specific way.

I’ve just finished an interview with Siobhan Reddy from Media Molecule about the new Playstation game Dreams (it’ll be live later today on Uplink, and next week on High Resolution). It’s a game, but it’s also a creative toolset. You can just play it, and you can play things made by others, but it’s an amazing tool directed toward reminding people how much creative potential lies in us all.

That’s the kind of tool I’d love to see more of. Things that unleash our positive, often untapped creativity.

It was a reminder that, thankfully, there’s still plenty of space out there for positive people to make positive tools for us to enjoy together on the networks.

Remember to put tools to use your own way. Don’t let the tool be someone else’s hammer while they treat you like the nail.

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Founder and Head of Content at Byteside.

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