Byteside is evolving: come work with us!
Byteside, the miniature media empire covering tech, games and digital culture, is adding new (and paid) opportunities to join the editorial team.

Byteside, the miniature media empire spreading tech, games and digital culture through newsletters, podcasts, socials and the web, is primed and ready to expand its team with new contract editorial positions.
This is a starting small situation. But where other outlets in their early days often lean into offering writers the chance to be published for free in the name of 'exposure' or 'experience', we want to respect the need to be compensated for a commitment to work.
We're seeking focused and energetic involvement, but with a highly flexible structure – digital office, digital tools, work from anywhere.
Our target engagement window is two hours per day, Monday to Thursday. The aim is to focus on 'morning' publishing as a priority but flexibility will always be maintained. We're inventing this together. A commitment to making Byteside successful and producing great work is the fundamental goal.
All team members will participate in writing for the web and for social media, with social curation of stories and ideas also forming part of the routine. There will be an expectation of producing 5-7 published articles each week. These will often be short, sharp, and colourful, with deeper work mixed in on longer cycles.
Writing will be coached toward presenting with a clear voice, strong takes and fun perspectives. Variability in writing style will be expected, showing interest in differing aspects of tech, games and culture.
Writing for Byteside must come from a personal place of interest in each subject. But no one story has to be all things to all people. Want to give an industry take on a new game? Or a lust-filled look at a new device? Maybe a critical analysis of a new TV show? All are welcome. Say it like you mean it with a fresh perspective and it will have a home on Byteside.
Typical job advertisements are loath to mention money out loud. We're trying to be transparent. The role will be a fixed weekly payment based on the Australian Journalists Published Media Award casual rate for an editorial employee at Band 1, Level 2 – rounded up a little. From that benchmark we are offering a flat fee of $256 based on $32/hour for 8 hours of your time. It's also a nice nerdy base-2 number, so it felt like a good place to start. The initial agreement period will run for three months from early September to early December.
How to apply: Send a pitch letter explaining who you are, how your words will stand out in a wildly saturated nerd content landscape, and why you want to work with Seamus Byrne on Byteside. We are actively seeking voices who are exciting and additive to what we can already do and add diversity to what we hear about these subjects. Show us how you're different and that will go a long way.
You must include links to two pieces of sample writing. Paid, unpaid, it doesn't matter. Just demonstrate writing that shows who you are as a writer. Is there a difference between the writing you have to show and the writing you want to do for Byteside? Explain how you want to change and show us in the pitch letter you have the skills to do it!
Don't tell us you're passionate about it. Show us.
Send applications attention to Seamus Byrne via
PLEASE include 'Application' in the subject line.
PLEASE check your pitch letter for errors of syntax and grammar because that really does count toward proving you know how to write.
PLEASE address any questions to the same email address.
Applications close 5pm, Monday, August 3.
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